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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon


Into nature you go, freely opening to her healing powers immerse your senses and your body into her replenishing vibrations bathing in the essence and nurturance of the great Mother to heal and soothe your mind, your heart and your body embracing the calming presence as you slow down and accept where you are in this very moment holding an understanding of who you are as your ‘I AM’ presence discovering and mastering your true identity through the pains and wounds of the past, feel into your eternal flame of your truth to ignite your passions and drive for the love is in building strong foundations of your inner beauty and worth allowing the destruction of the deep distortions to shake up the falsehoods of a divided consciousness to live in harmony and peace for co-creation of the New Lemuria.


Honour your divine sacredness as a spiritual being having a human experience committing to accepting your own self-mastery and your sovereignty trust your intuitive knowing as you expand into the vastness of your dreams with a steady persistence not getting lost in the slipstream of others and misconceptions listen to your own inner guidance with compassion for yourself and for others as you ground your truth into sustaining and nurturing from the place of love and joy holding your values in your heart with your creative juices overflowing for growth and stability in mind watching for envy and manipulation as fears of moving out of comfort zones arise shaking any foundations not built upon sustainable footings may come crashing down.


As the releasing of illusions are falling away flow into your dreams you hold in your heart and embrace the oneness of everything opening to your own unique gifts and talents and the freedom to explore your creative imaginative expressions, feel into your primal sacred feminine truth honouring your body and your boundaries as you let the restrictions you have held for yourself be freed into the sacred creative powerful sensual compassionate feminine goddess you are releasing any inhibitions of your primal sexual nature as you accept the shadows of the past of control and hedonistic pleasures deepening your spiritual journey looking to broaden your horizons and learning the greater meaning of your dual nature and existence here on our beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia, share your authentic self and wisdom opening the lines of communication for the messages of god to flow in for you keeping a check on unreliable sources and over doing things seeking further than your needs are comfortable, take a responsible steady path towards your plans and goals with curiosity for learning and creating tangible results in the loving care of the Gaia and our beloved Pleiadian Star Mothers.


Open to loving yourself in these changing times in the safe and sacred container of the Women’s Red Tent:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Trust in the loving energy of the Universe to bring balance into your being with the love of Reiki: book your appointment here with me:


Delve deeper into the Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness in the Shamanic Teaching Wheel: find out more here:


“There would be those who would say you’re in a major women’s movement. This would be where women are starting to be seen more equal. Many would tell you that it’s time to take your power, or it’s time to do this and that. Dear ladies, no, it isn’t. Instead, it is time to lead the way in compassion!

This is what we would expect of the soft gender. This is what we would expect of the wiser gender, the ones who would bear the children of the Earth, which would become all of humanity. So the duality that is sharpening for you is going to make you more aware of the differences and also of the similarities. What you especially can do now is to meld them, so you can become more compassionate.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho – January 10, 2015.

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