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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon


In the surrounds of nature’s elements open your senses as you gift yourself love and nurturing taking your time to embrace the healing abilities Mother Earth provides unwinding from the chaos of the busyness of life as you harness your ability to feel into any childhood wounds that may surface and open up as challenging encounters merge deep into the lower crevices of your psyche delving into the shadows of secrets and sensual desires and stubborn headstrong attention seeking invite the path of healing deep wounds and past root causes of suffering and pain as you journey into the power and medicine of the healing arts, work on clearing out and stripping away what’s no longer working as you open your mind to cut through the clutter and get straight to the point in conversations to assist you in building and growing from your heart bringing beauty and joy to create something of lasting value.


Feel into your heart as you love who you are honouring your values you hold for yourself and your worth sustaining the love for your growth as tests challenge relationships in love and money observe any unconscious manipulative tendencies and feelings of possessiveness and stubborn resistance to opening your heart to valuing loving expressive feelings and shining your light freeing the old ways of thinking into redefining the structures and beliefs of relationships and seeing things in new ways as you further consider your relationship with your spiritual essence observing and honouring your practice and committed responsibilities for your dreams manifesting into the physical opening to the freedoms of discovering revolutionary and tangible concepts for consistent growth transforming the deeps of connections shedding and releasing the old arrangements of the past for the better.


Be the lover and not the fighter as you embrace your sensual nature with loving pampering and honouring the beauty of your sacred feminine essence sparkling in your passions to ignite your motivations and drive communicate your creative flow courageously as you merge and indulge with the flexibility and power of your mind exploring new ideas and interests that satisfy your senses in the garden of growth be sure to stay focused on what is in front of you as you honour your resurgence of your suppressed sacred feminine sensuality in the desires for equality and fairness discovering where your empowerment lies inside your relationships entrust in your intuitive sixth sense as you stay open to dissolving any unfinished business attuning to the whispers of your true self leaving any fears and illusions behind.


Embrace and honour the sacred feminine this Dark Moon in Leo in the sacredness of the Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Allow the loving Universal Life Force energy of Reiki into your life balancing your mind, heart, body and spirit:

Take a transforming journey with the loving wisdom of the “Dragons of Mu”


“Let us give you this. Each time you breathe into or from your heart or touch your heart, we will be there with you and create a luminous field around you, an aura for your body, your mind, and your spirit. And this aura, this luminous field, is a field of healing and self-compassion, a field of connection, a field of remembering your purpose. So touch your heart and let us come in. Let us co-create with you that field so that each one of you each time you are breathing, each time you are connected to that field of compassionate coherence, you are creating a healing field for yourself. And of course, you do not stand alone in this creation. There are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people who are moving into the awareness of their hearts.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, June New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers – June 19th, 2020.

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