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Taurus Moon


Taurus Moon


In the eyes of the beholder enrich the loving values you hold of yourself honouring your sacred feminine embodiment as you connect to the sacredness and beauty of Mother Earth, become aware of your own needs slowing down and accepting yourself fully in the now moment exploring the beauty within you for the opportunity to embrace and love yourself more is built upon what you hold deep in your heart honouring your personal journey of soul evolution through embracing the gifts in the challenges and facing and unlocking the hidden parts of deep past wounds and suffering transforming any vulnerabilities into your source of strength and insight for the indulgent addictive pleasures and resistance to change have immense power to bare your soul in your authentic truth, keeping a check on any suppressed anger and frustrations boiling below the surface use your words in communications with others from your heart with honesty and love and calming the drama with healthy outlets to cool any hot-headed burliness, be open to express your needs as you allow any feelings of insecurity and nervousness the space for decisiveness supporting your growth and innate self-expression balancing your desires in your relationships being mindful of undervaluing yourself in any over bearing compromises.


Allow yourself to feel into your body as you become aware of your senses entrusting your connection to guide you with a disciplined focus maturing and strengthening your bonds with your physical needs and your spiritual needs navigating healthy boundaries and trusting in your intuition set clear limits with any addictive behaviours assisting you to master the balancing act as colourful communication displays encounter big bold and brave heart expressions that may feel over the top, watch any feathers being ruffled in the moment, come back down to Earth in the appreciation of joy and supportive loving strengths putting down the red flag that raises tempers and any envy from the undercurrent of low self-love and self-care.



As the intimidation of change may feel uneasy be the master builder and the lover of your life as you work on integrating the shadows and the light as one balancing the complexity of any inner struggles of reclaiming and asserting your sacred feminine desires and passions without fear of judgment and liberating your independence in relationships deepening your connection to your subconscious desires and power struggles devoting yourself to the beauty of embracing and valuing healthy relationships accepting the imperfectness and softening the expectations to be perfect, open to your deep personal growth in new revolutionary ways, consider your connection and relationship to money and your material possessions and explore the pleasures of Mother Earth in all her sensory glory as you shift your mindset checking in with reality spotting any spells you may have been under as you hold strong intensions for your dreams through any challenges, watch for tempers rising as you analyse with discernment and embody practical solutions with your focus on your persistence and determination to be of service from a loving place and honouring your sacred temple sustaining healthy practices for a healthy harvest.  


Honour the beauty of you in the sacredness of the Women’s Red Tent Circle this New Moon in Virgo:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Align with the power of the waxing moon and create your magic: find out more here:


Transform into your magic with the love and wisdom of the “Dragons of Mu” 


“Now I want to give you information that makes you appreciate what happened in the Sisterhood. Throw away the idea that you were a number of women that just came together socially for a time of ceremony to help the tribe, to help Lemuria. Instead, this was your life purpose. Not all women were in the Sisterhood, right or wrong. There was a system of who could, and who could not, be included. I will not go into that now. It was a circle of women who felt a certain way and who carried that which was the searching energy of how to proceed with the wisdom of life.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia – February 14, 2015.

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