Taurus Moon
Love is the highest power and the universe is delivering it in abundance, we can accept this abundance in many forms as we have free will to receive this for ourselves.
Are you a lover or a fighter?
Facing our shadows may be challenging and understanding in our relationships we have attracted our mirror self to help us heal from our past and our egoic tendencies to bring us back to a balanced state and back to love, our true selves.
We may be faced with many challenges in our lives and feel hurt by others. Drama may surface and we may unconsciously manipulate with our emotions and act out in childish ways, as a result of not taking responsibility for our own feelings and avoiding discovering the underlying reasons why this is happening.
Stubbornness and not feeling like change can be a challenge as our shadow side of the bull may be resistant and inflexible. If we feel resistance this is a signal to surrender as if we keep resisting it will keep persisting.
It is time now to slow down and begin to notice the love we have for ourselves, what we value in ourselves and in our lives and appreciate the abundance we do have whether that be a shower we have each day, the clothes we have in our cupboards and the ones we wear each day, the sun rising each morning, the moon and stars shining at night and the food we eat to nourish our bodies for our health and wellbeing.
It is time to love our body and ourselves just as we are and to take joy and pleasure as a means for our happiness and our self-love. When we love ourselves we will find that love will enter into our lives in abundance.
Are you ready to make some changes? I invite you to join our next Women’s Red Tent Circle as we sit in a safe environment together making changes for our lives: https://fb.me/e/1WIvBRYRk
Taking care of our own energy is important, here’s how: https://fb.watch/dQ0s2HP5zc/
Do you want an opportunity to bring light to the shadows of old programming and non-honouring relationships and sexual experiences from your past? Take a look here to find out how: https://lemurian-shamanism-school.teachable.com/p/lemurian-sacred-sexuality?affcode=365530_tx7lk12y
‘Your perfect alignment is like perfect weather; each moment is a unique opinion whose value is constantly changing.’ ~ Pleiadian Star Mothers
