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Virgo Full Moon


Virgo Full Moon

As you walk through nature honouring the sacredness of mother earth feel into the sacredness of your beautiful body as the sacred vessel for spirit to work through you. Take some time to connect with the spirit world and as you do you may gain some insight now as the mystic forces are with you.

Your compassionate and intuitive soul trusts the universe to show you what needs changing and improving with your body, your mind and your work. Your service to humanity has been a consistent slow and steady progress and may need a little tweaking so honour the support of spirit to guide you in your material world.

Take care of any frustrations and challenges that your mind may be dealing with as there may be some decisions and choices for you now. Ground your energy with mother earth and bring your awareness into you as you centre into your heart allowing your mind and womb the space to be connected as one.

Overthinking can lead to feeling anxious and brings in worries and nervousness that unsettles our mental capacity and we may overanalyse our life and situations. If you are feeling this I advise you to find a practice that can assist you to come into a more relaxed state, this may be practices such as reiki, yoga, women’s circles, meditation, breath work.

I invite you to honour your beautiful heart, mind, body and soul in my next women’s circle tonight, find more here:

Online circle:

In person circle:

Or you may feel the need for some gentle healing energy of Reiki to calm your mind, book with me here:

Connect with the Full Moon’s energy in the presence of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf & Kryon and delve into the Cave of Creation of a ShaWoman: https://lemur

‘If you want a relaxed body, you can do it by relaxing your mind. If you want a relaxed mind, relax your body.’ ~ Jay Winner

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