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Virgo Full Moon


Virgo Full Moon


In the mystical presence of your sacredness feel the glowing brilliance of the Moon emerging into her Fullness as you honour your divine temple as a sacred vessel for spirits essence to flow through you feeling into Mother Earth’s crystalline grid and connecting to her loving heart you prepare for inevitable changes.


Feeling into the depths of your compassionate dreamy heart trust in your sensitive empathic senses and deeply enmeshed visionary sight and transformational thinking as you are encouraged to reconcile the strengths of honouring your sacred boundaries that others may not completely understand.


With a strong sense to align with your dreams in service to others merge with the focus to your sacred sense of self as you endeavour to balance the divine masculine and divine feminine within deepening the power of your mind and your deep emotional feelings in reflection of the past releasing the constructs of victimhood and criticism as your highly sensitive intuitive perceptions open your imaginative inspirations and creative nature.


Respect and honour your full potential as there is something immortal in you essential to the evolution of the collective consciousness as you treat your sacredness with loving value and a powerful vessel of creation identify your needs for refining your service and your health as a detox and clearing out all that is inefficient opens to the expansion of your true self-worth, financial growth and fertility in abundant mystical ways and as you do be mindful of over indulging and any hedonistic creations in its place.


With the passing flow of the Full Moon hold great respect for your sacred temple and your true divine feminine powers moving with the wind of spirit as the winds of change awaken you from the depths of darkness owning every part of your divine being shaking the unshakable out of the comforts of materialism into loving and respecting Mother Earth and her beautiful gifts for humanity.


Embrace the sacredness of the divine feminine together in sisterhood:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Virgo:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Virgo: 

Honour your body, mind, heart and soul with the Universal Life Force Energy of Reiki: find out more here:

Lemurian Activation Code Cards for reawakening the original encoded Star Activations gifted by the Pleiadians long, long ago evoking your Akashic memory:


“So regarding this meeting, and a Sisterhood, what is it we ask you to do in these days? This is the beginning of Year Two and the true beginning of a new age. The answer comes with explanation: Heightened duality awareness is going to start creating a recognition within you of the differences between who you think you are and the sacred one that you really are.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho – January 10, 2015.

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