Virgo Moon
Finding the beauty in you and in your life goes deep as you connect with the earth, and honour your physical vessel as a conduit for spirit to work through you. There may be a feeling of what is not working for you now in your work life or with your health and this may have a feeling of anxiousness and may bring the need for some significant changes.
Any hidden issues, illusions or false realities have a chance to be stripped away from your life now as you allow and surrender to the universe to assist in this process with trust that all has the potential for change in our lives and for our highest good.
Find a sacred space where you can connect with the earth and respect her for all she gifts us, close your eyes, breathe deeply into your heart and allow the connection to spirit as you ground your energy, take this time to honour yourself as an open vessel for spirit to work through you and to show you how you can be of service in this world…. Be still and quiet as you listen for any guidance, this may also come later for you when the time is right, all you need to do is to have trust that you will receive your answer in the best possible way spirit will deliver it to you, be open.
Change is in the air, in the earth and it is all around us now. In the imperfect way this is perfect. Feelings in your gut may stir if you are over anxious to any changes so I would recommend to receive an energy healing now to help you balance your energies now.
Connect with me for your energy balancing:
Join the sacred space of the Women’s Red Tent Circles, find out when here:
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‘You’re body is the sacred vessel you’ve been given to experience life, so honour it, cherish it, nourish it.’ ~ Brandon Bays
