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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Take a moment out of your day to connect to your body, breathe in the prana that is all around, feel what your body is telling you, now acknowledge what you receive and work towards this in a loving way to respect your divine temple and your needs.

Your physical vessel is your temple, and in all temples there is an honouring for the space it offers to connect to spirit or god, find the love within you to respect and honour your temple as you connect to your divine soul, your god that resides in you.

Release and let go of the past and all that you are no longer needing to take forward with you into the next new moon cycle and trust spirit has your back on your path in the physical world as change and new directions are on the horizon.

You may have an intuitive knowing of what is correct in your life and what is not and maybe there is room for some re-evaluating and looking at some details that need to be tweaked. In your working field it may just bring up a need to be of service in a more respectful and honouring way, but you may feel some challenges of your worth, if you are feeling it in your heart and you can be of service to others in a way that helps them then do not discount your feelings for they are leading you in the right direction.

How can I love and respect my own body, mind, heart and soul while being of service?

I invite you to join me in our next Women’s Red Tent Circle as the New Moon in Sagittarius brings us some amazing energies for our life’s next adventures, I would love to have you in circle with me, find more on this here:

In-person Circle:

Bring gratitude and magical creations to your life with the Pleiadian Star Mothers:

‘Everything you’ll ever need to know is within you, the secrets of the universe are imprinted on the cells of your body.’ ~ Dan Millman

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