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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Connecting to spirit in the divine human vessel you are you bring your focus into more than just the physical, you allow for the magic of spirit to guide you in your life. You bring your awareness to your hearts truth and as you build and organise your life and your passions you are now allowing anything that has been the building structures to be re-evaluated and to have any communications revised.

As you become adaptable to change you feel your unique sense of self wants to be seen through your own gifts where you can be of service to humanity and to help make a difference in the world and to people’s lives.

As you honour your body this is a wonderful time to detox your mind and your body and it will also be a wise action to detox your home and workspace from the lower energies and things you may not need anymore.

You may feel the need to have a sacred space where you have beautiful crystals and the energy is higher to assist you in keeping your energy high, for when you are in the energies that are lower this can affect your own energy levels so it is very important to have some boundaries set in place to take care of your own energy.

Take time to meditate, be in nature and to eat a healthy diet to allow for any mental and physical difficulties the time they may need. Find a balance in your work and home life and be aware that you are not being a servant to others and you have the respect from those around you and you have respect for yourself otherwise the perfectionism may surface as being hypercritical of self and of others.

I am in service to you with the beautiful Reiki Energy Healings, connect with me for your beautiful healing:

‘You are the container for the most intense form of sacred energy.’ ~ Sally Kempton

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