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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Smell those beautiful blossoms awakening your realisation to the wonderful connection to nature and to the sacredness of the divine feminine, to Mother Earth and to spirit. With a strong sense for the love of your sacred vessel and knowing Mother Earth provides the nourishment for your health, well-being and physical life new ways of living with sustainable resources bring change to our lives.

A feeling of change resides within as your emotions are stirred taking you on a nostalgic remembrance of your past, take the memories of all and consider they have taught you well as any emotions that you have shut away may boil to the surface to be released, so find safe ways for this release to take place to not harm another.

Adapting into the spiritual essence of your being and grounding your dreams into reality may be challenged as you feel others pains and suffering interplay with your own feelings, and as you understand that your dreams come from your heart you have a stable truth to trust in them.

Your independence and service to others has a profound potential to help those in need and as you let go of perfectionism and worry you come from a place of love and respect for yourself and for those you are here to serve.

Ease your mind and body with the connection to Mother Earth and let her into your heart to calm any nerves you may be feeling. Breathe….. Breathe…. Breathe…. Relax…. Relax…. Relax…

Allow your feminine essence the beauty and love to sit in sacred circle together this Full Moon. Online Women’s Full Moon Magic Circle:

In person Women’s Full Moon Magic Circle:

Lead from the heart with the teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘Like the whispers of a past love, the Lemurian Sisterhood was always ready to re-emerge and rekindle itself with the fire of compassion for all of Humanity.’ ~ Kryon

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