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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

As you bring a steady and loving awareness of your sacredness as someone who respects and honours yourself for a clear vessel for spirit to work through you, take your time to connect to your roots in the midst of changing and awakening to your life that will sustain you.

Improve your life and set healthy boundaries that allow you to be of service to your own needs and love your adaptability to assist others in service in ways that bring a quality of life to those that may require your assistance.

Breathe into your heart and let out any concerns or anxiety on the out breath as you interact with those around you that may be feeling somewhat stirred within to any emotions that have been bubbling away ready to come out from the hot simmering pot.

Changes to the things that we have become comfortable with in our lives may feel disruptive and uncomfortable and may be the very thing that leads you to finding out how you can fulfil your potential to adapt to your dreams and unique offerings.

Create for yourself a safe and sacred space where you can be in the presence of your soul and honour your connection to the Creator, Mother Earth and your spirit team as they bring love, peace and harmony to you.

Awaken the goddess in you as we merge with our Star Centres and invite the Pleiadian Star Mothers to activate our DNA in a beautiful mediation:

Live with the sacredness of the Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel and remember the Pleiadian Star Mother’s teachings awakening the ShaWoman in you:

‘Woman is the radiance of God; she is not a creature, she is the creator.’ ~ Rumi

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