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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Take yourself into the sacredness of our beautiful Mother Earth, Gaia and find a sacred sanctuary to love, honour and respect your beautiful sacred vessel. As you expand into your awareness of your body your insights become clearer for any changes that may need to be made for your health, wellbeing and your service you bring to humanity.

Respect the love you have for your own values and needs in your physical life as you teach those around you they are important to you as we move through a time where our own commitments and dreams could be challenged.

Feeling into your sacredness for your service, let go of any perfectionism you may be feeling you need to live up to and free yourself of anxiety and worry for what we focus on we magnify into our lives. Take a moment to relax and breathe into your heart and magnify from here peace and love into your life.

Connect to your dreams and through love and compassion of self and others use your feminine powers and align with the moon to magnify them into your physical existence.

Respect and love your entire being in a beautiful Reiki treatment, book here:

Become a human crystal on this beautiful Gaia with the love and teachings from our Pleiadian Star Mothers, Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf and Kryon:

‘Gaia is your partner, it was the partner in Lemuria, it’s your partner today.’ ~ excerpt from Kryon channel, The Shawoman that Exists in You, Lemurian Sisterhood Kyron Channel, Nov 19, 2021.

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