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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

As you feel the glow of spirit within your soul you light up your way moving through your daily life growing and nurturing each and every step holding your values in strong stead for they are your foundation that holds the love strong.

Nourishment for your entire being from that which feels perfect for you feeds your soul love with respect and honour for your sacred vessel. As you expand into your connection to Mother Earth feel into her crystalline beauty and allow the beautiful powerful goddess energies to permeate into you.

In trusting your stability and taking responsibility for your spiritual growth, your dreams and your visions there may be some room for re-evaluating how this can integrate into being of service and to be dedicated to fulfil the needs of others while finding a balance to serve and not to be a servant.

Keep your heart and mind in balance as you breathe calm into these few days while possible upheavals may bring some fiery and strong emotions to the surface. In any communications that take place with others allow yourself to be mindful of any discrimination and perfectionism and let go of control as you find the love and compassion within you.

In respecting your sacredness, your boundaries, your divine spiritual essence, your service to humanity great changes are underway as the new Lemuria illuminates through your loving hearts.

Honour the divine feminine as we gather in sisterhood and open to the love and magic of the moon:

In person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:

Online Full Magic Women’s Circle in Capricorn:

Reduce any anxiety you may be feeling with the love of Reiki, book your appointment here:

Unlock the wisdom teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers in this beautiful 12 Foundational Blocks Course:

‘Women are soft, gentle, compassionate givers of life. They teach the children and care for the masculine and feminine future leaders of the planet. They are the current wise Shamans of the future.’ ~ Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Airzona – January 16, 2016

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