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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Beautiful priestesses as we feel into the sacredness of our divine feminine vessel rise into our spirted heart respecting the changes that may be taking place through releasing unhealthy habits and situations to cleanse and purify to be open and be free of clutter in ourselves and our lives.

Allow love into our hearts from the divine to ignite the fire within as our passions and inspirations fire us up to make moves and improvements in our service to humanity. As we connect with White Horse Spirit we are gifted with purity of heart and to trust in our power and strength as she takes us into the spirit realm to achieve enlightenment and wisdom for our journey.

Let go of any criticism of ourselves and also of others and relax into the imperfectness of our human selves as we may face some challenging truths that may have been restricting our growth as spiritual beings and our service we are here to offer others.

Dedication to fulfilling our potential is in harmony with our passions and our dreams as our love for our Mother Earth, Gaia and honouring her sacredness provides for us beautiful abundance. As we respect our ancestors and their traditions for our sacred Earth and our connection to our Plieadian Star Mothers our lives on Earth begins to change in beautiful ways.

Let love into your entire being with the beautiful healing energy Reiki, you will feel a sense of calm wash over you. In person or online bookings available:

Evoke your Akashic memory and reawaken the original encoded Star Activations given as a sacred gift to humanity long ago with the Lemurian Activation Code Cards:

‘We see the light that you create together. That is what is making a change. That is what is holding the frequency of transformation. For you know, that is what is happening.’ ~ snippet from New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers to the Lemurian Sisterhood, December 13th 2020.

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