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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon

Take a loving leap with joy and passion in our hearts knowing we are a sacred vessel for spirit to guide us through our journey as we expand into the love of who we are through any changes in our lives.

In respect of our ability to take a detailed and refined look into our life, our health and our service we may offer relax a little as perfectionism may bring a feeling of anxiety, take valued time to make any adjustments and improvements and keep our forward momentum going with what is driving our hearts desires.

Improving our lives comes as we honour and respect ourselves, our beautiful Mother Earth and spirit as we learn to live in harmony with everything. Being respectful in our communications with others keep our strong sense of values in mind as we make changes that uphold our future growth in love, in beauty and abundance.

Responsibility and commitment for our spirituality and our service to humanity brings some opposing forces into our lives to ask how our love and compassion for our own boundaries are honoured by ourselves and also by others.

Is anxiety prevalent in your life? You may enjoy the loving nurturing energy of Reiki to soothe your mind, heart, body and soul, book your appointment with me here:

Delve into this FREE Lemurian Shamanic Teaching Wheel course with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Monika Muranyi, Lee Carroll & Kryon:

The Shamanic Teaching Wheel course for ShaWoman of Lemuria with Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon is here for your remembrance:

‘It is a time for cycles, for circles, for meetings, for connection. It is a time for reconnecting to the planetary cycle and through this meeting to the moon cycle, which is the most important to women from the time they are born till the time they leave the planet.’ ~ Excerpt from the channelling from the Star Mothers to the Lemurian Sisterhood, April 21 2020: Star Mothers New Moon Portal.

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