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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon


As you love and respect your body honour the beauty of nature opening to feeling into every part of your being acknowledging the subtle guidance you receive as your presence for your wellbeing is heightened relax and centre your mind, heart and womb as one listening to the sounds of the waves soothing any anxieties trusting in spirits wisdom through finding a balance in honouring your freedoms to love your uniqueness and your strong passions for your dedication upholding and standing up for your future ideals and birthright.      


Challenging the depths of deep hidden secrets surfacing and crashing over the rocks keep your visions in focus and a check on your boundaries with others as true expressions are felt honour your gentleness and compassionate heart staying vigilant of manipulation and losing yourself and your independence in another.


Feel into your sacredness as a divine vessel for spirit expanding your potential to be of service opening to higher wisdom and knowledge holding space for growth in beautiful optimistic ways respecting Mother Earth’s sacredness and her sustaining resources feel into any bump along the way nudging an enlightening responsible relationship with spirit and checking in with your value system for your self-worth, your financial matters and relationships with others for quick witted ground-breaking solutions may change the status quo creating greater equality.


Engage with your deepest divine feminine qualities as you release the need for perfection and control letting limitations of your mind set you free from the undeservedness, resentment and self-victimisation of being your true sacred divine feminie vessel honouring your soul and sensual nature in healthy ways for change from old stubborn unworthiness and materialism will break you free from the grips of hedonism and gluttony.


Your desire for independence and honouring your own identity has a strong connection to the path of healing the wounds that are teaching you to love and respect yourself and also honour and respect others own healing processes although others may not understand as the journey of each soul has their own timeline and their own free will keeping in mind any communications will be direct and courageous with headstrong confidence or even a hot head over the top approach.


Open to free-thinking for progressive downloads for your soul’s transformation moving and improving clearing and cleansing out the old making way for birthing new advancements for humanity opening the veils of any unhealthy patterns of addictions offering the immersion into the vastness of the realms of spirit and your creative visionary dreams guided by your drive for the passions in your heart to push through any opposing forces.


Embrace the Eclipse Season honouring the Divine Feminine in you with the Magic of the Full Moon in Libra:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle: 

Love and respect your temple with Reiki releasing the old and replacing it with the new for your heart, mind, body and spirit:

Begin a journey with the “Dragons of Mu” and discover the gifts through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf:

Evoke your Akashic memory with the sacred gift to humanity from the Pleiadians in these powerful healing Lemurian Activation Code Cards:


“Have you noticed? Every day your energy, your feelings, are just a little different. So it is the Full Moon. Just notice, Beloved Shining Ones, your rhythm, her rhythm, your cycle, her cycles. And those cycles are broader than you imagine. Perhaps sometime during the day, you are feeling lots of energy and other times not. Perhaps sometime during the week or the month, New Moon, you feel less energy. This is because of the influence of the Moon. The more attention you pay, the more acknowledgment you give that you are not in charge of everything, the easier it will be for you. You can work with these energies instead of pushing. That sounds good, doesn’t it?” Excerpt for Star Mother channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, November Full Moon Lemurian Lunation, November 30th, 2020.

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