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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon


In the presence and beauty of Mother Earth connect to her love and stability as you honour your divine temple as a sacred vessel for spirit take a slower and steady approach feeling into your most loved values and strengths respecting your service with dedicated potential steadily growing on your ideas and plans for building on your foundations in the physical claim your divine feminine power setting healthy boundaries with others as you choose to take the reins of your life with decisiveness as past wounds have brought more self-confidence and courage to own your own power.


As challenges and unexpected sudden changes in finances and material possessions shake things up check in with your self-worth as you look for the break in the clouds and a glimmer of hope as a positive potential for focusing on expanding your optimism with a view of the bigger picture in focus connect with Mother Earth’s love and abundance opening your heart and unlocking the flow of higher truths working on reconciling any perfectionism, anxiousness and worrying about following your dreams while addressing any deep underlying power dynamics.


With a loving respect for your own body and healthy boundaries and of those around you feel into the relationships you are connected to as the need to scrutinise what is working and what is not to work on improving any indifferences in love and money getting to the details of any issues with a practical and steady approach encouraging an openness as resistance and stubbornness may creep in as a push pull may feel elastic in the presence of another use your discernment with a pause to establish your feelings and the environment for there may not be anything in common with your own authentic burning passions and drive you are embracing in your heart and where you feel your path leads.  


Feel into your innate feminine mysterious force and primal powers releasing the need for perfection as you become fully present to the natural sounds and presence of nature unplugging from the toxic information and environments that drain your energy, detoxify your nervous system as you come back to a calm loving presence of your soul and your connection to the beauty and healing benefits of Gaia supporting your health and body as you diffuse opposing forces of unhealthy addictions through the changes taking place in your physical environment expand into the blessing of your sense of service with optimism and growth transforming your inner shadows empowering your deep hidden desires reconciling the wounds of the past into beautiful loving wisdom.


Honour the sacredness of the Divine Feminine this Full Moon in Sagittarius in Sisterhood:

In Person Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:

Online Full Moon Magic Women’s Circle:


Journey with the “Dragons of Mu’ in the discovery of wisdom and transformation for your soul:


Soothe your mind, body, heart and spirit with the Universal Life Force of Reiki: book your appointment here:


“Lemuria was a pressure cooker of wisdom. No one could leave the island and no one could come because it was isolated by water, you didn’t meet anybody new, and the traditions survived a very long time. The only thing you have that even came close to it on this planet is in Australia with the Aborigine culture. Thousands and thousands of years of one culture builds wisdom, and you were part of that.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Calgary, Cananda – May 23, 2015.

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