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Virgo Moon


Virgo Moon


Feel the love in your heart as your connection and relationships with others lifts you into a heartfelt presence honouring your body as a sacred vessel for spirit in dedication of your service as you embrace Mother Earth and her love and beauty adapt to changes opening to an array of interesting and fun discussions stimulating your mind in diverse and exciting ways respecting your values and your needs as you keep them in focus, steady your feet and bring your presence into your body, enjoy the beauty around you as you relax the pace allowing the fire within to ignite your ambitions to continue with a steady endurance and dedication embracing your full potential to be of service.


With healthy boundaries in place take care of any nervousness in uncomfortable situations that may be unsettling the foundations around you, through sudden changes feel into your self-love as you expand your horizons to new opportunities inviting you to deepen your experiences for higher truths, learning and growing through a multitude of information check in with your logic and your intuition with what feels right to not overload your mind and take on to much as you work to reconcile any illusions and deep unconscious shadows diminishing any low self-worth issues appreciating the wisdom gained through the pains of the past.


Find a balance in your spiritual essence and your physical body with a disciplined responsibility for your own energy as you let any discriminating and hypercritical thoughts of yourself and of others subside move into the reality and oneness that is intertwined in our existence as change takes place in the physical and material, challenges test the mind and the heart to which one you gravitate towards opening the lines of communication and connection appreciate the view of others as you gather information for clearer insights of any misunderstandings in your relationships.


As you respect your sacred temple honour your body as sacred and divine for the gift of creation is inside you awaiting the rise of kundalini restoring your power and divine gifts unleashing them with respect and worth as the depths of unconscious shadows bubble to the surface opposing forces flow with distractions and trickery feel into your inner knowing as you embrace your creative essence and dance with spirit to create from the place in your heart of love and oneness working to reconcile the old past wounds of your sense of self.   


Love and respect your body, mind, heart and spirit in this beautiful aligning Star Centre Mediation: find out more here:


Go deeper into your body’s innate intelligence with the Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki: book your appointment here:


Awaken your Kundalini with the loving power of the “Dragons of Mu”


“It will eventually spread across this planet, healing societies and continents that have always been sick. There will be the building of new consciousness, new governments, new ways of thinking, and will create new inventions that deal with energy and water. Human population growth will not be an issue! You’ll be smart enough to figure it out, instead of thinking that reproduction simply runs rampant because Humans have no idea why children are born. That is low energy thinking! You will achieve a “zero growth” potential for the planet. That’s coming.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “The Teaching Circle, Continued” given in the Big Island, Hawaii – December 22, 2017.

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