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Virgo Moon


Embracing the Motherland and the Spiritual Connection

Embrace the Motherland within your heart, honouring your sacred vessel as you open to the spirit world and the mysteries of the unseen. Allow this spiritual connection to flow through your visible world, heightening your psychic perceptions and intuitive understanding. Connect deeply with your inner power and magnetism, channelling a strength of mind that serves both yourself and others. By focusing on service with integrity, you find strength without becoming servile, uncovering hidden truths and details that lead to personal growth and understanding.


Honouring the Sacred Feminine and Finding Balance

Respect and cherish the sacred feminine within, fostering a connection to the healthy foundations of philosophical growth. Challenges may test your loyalty, commitment, and even your desire for adventure, but maintaining balance brings harmony. Cultivate disciplined spiritual practices, embracing self-discovery without fear of judgment. Relax into the love of Mother Earth, letting go of perfectionism and reducing anxiety. As you embrace life’s deeper meanings, be mindful of speaking truthfully from your heart and addressing any hidden wounds or emotional triggers that arise.


Transforming Through Self-Awareness and Healing

Slow down and tune into your emotional responses, honouring what feels most genuine. Trust your instincts as you embark on nurturing, dedicated growth for the future. Through self-awareness, shed light on secrets, fears, and behaviours of control and power, releasing what no longer serves you. Embrace the intensity of transformation where it’s most needed, while balancing familiar emotional attachments with new possibilities. By honouring your dreams and potential, you create space for healing and authentic self-expression.


Opening to Greater Discoveries and Self-Mastery

Consider a broader perspective, embracing the path of self-discovery with courage and an open heart. By prioritizing boundaries and respecting your sacred space, you enable transformative growth in both yourself and others. Challenges reveal hidden parts of your potential, inviting you to explore deeper meanings in societal structures and karmic influences. Through clarity and self-mastery, engage with the shaman within, unearthing the treasures of your soul and illuminating intuition that guides you toward emotional, mental, and spiritual evolution.


Flow with the Moon’s cycles honouring the Sacred Feminine in the sacredness of the Red Tent:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Embrace the teachings of the Pleiadian Star Mothers guidance through Dr Amber Meleh’a Wolf for your remembrance as a ShaWoman for the New Lemuria:


“You are the Lightworkers who go to work and have the children, doing all the ordinary things that they cannot do here, as they hold the light in this place. The responsibility of the truth is upon you, to spread through the consciousness of who you are in the world. It’s profound what is going on now, and is about to go on in this planet. Yes, this is a difficult period, as the old energy tries to get a grip. It doesn’t want to lose. You can see it on the news – it doesn’t want to lose, and yet it will. This is because there are many who are awakening to the grandness of a truth inside, that a divine angelic spark from another place was brought to this planet by the Pleiadians.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling “Kryon Lemurian Retreat” given at Hindu Monastery, Kauai, Hawaii – August 14, 2014.

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