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Virgo Moon


Embracing Earth’s Beauty and Evolution of Spirit

In the stillness embrace the beauty and tranquil peaceful presence of Mother Earth and her precious gifts as you allow the magnificent shining light of spirit to infuse you with love for the blessings of truth are bestowed upon you. Feel into your sacred body honouring healthy boundaries and the dedicated service you endure acknowledging how far you have come in adapting to the changing sceneries. Hone in on the greater visions for the future with optimism and joy as communications spark a curious interest in discovering the finer details that need improving. Drop prejudgments and discrimination with mindfulness of exaggerations and fiery outbursts as passionate debates and challenges fixate on realisations of higher truths and insights revolutionising your true worth. Reunite with the forces of evolution and the love of the creator liberating you from the past owning your uniqueness and sovereignty in the sacred flames of your heart and souls truth.


Honouring Purpose and Building Grounded Connections.

Breathe into your heart and relax your mind as you find a balance between the forces of grounding in your purposeful dedicated service responsibly and honouring the sacredness of a devoted priestess for spirit. Integrate assertiveness and your independence for your self-discovery with your true purpose in life respecting your innate skills and talents. Lead with a forward focused mindset and be a team player to a fulfilled path into unfamiliar territory valuing your ambitious heart and personal values for commitment and loyalty in building partnerships on solid ground with dependability and visions for the future shaking up the inconsistency of navigating contradictory information and multiple perspectives, be authentic and true to you expressing clearly and thoughtfully with others opening to reconsidering the way communications are affecting the balance.


Breaking Barriers for Authentic Growth and Shared Visions.

Harmonise with your inner strength and resilience accepting yourself just as you are letting go of limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns, speak up for your truth with confidence watching for barbed words and reckless assumptions, embrace stepping out of your comfort zone to a new kind of stability welcoming innovative change honouring valued commitments in relationships built on mutual respect and emotional maturity. Find balance and open to the opportunity for deeper explorations into the realms of spirit honouring your dreams and your true essence flowing with the currents of transformations coming together actualising the greater visions for humanity on a deeper level for a shared purpose with respect for loving communities. Open your heart integrating your passions with courage and confidence in a playful loving approach without being too over the top and preachy, discerning the quality of life you wish to create in your adventures and discoveries of expansive growth and learning philosophical truths.


“The women gave the men advice from the stars. They had the intuition to do that. No one ever questioned whether the women should do what they did, just like no man ever questioned whether the women should give birth – and this isn’t necessarily about the biology of a woman. It’s totally about how the brain was wired.” ~ Excerpt from Kryon live channelling given during a Lemurian Sisterhood Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona – January 16, 2016.


Honour the sacred feminine and your truth in circle this New Moon in Sagittarius:

In Person Women’s Red Tent Circle:

Online Women’s Red Tent Circle:


Embrace the Pleiadian Teachings for the New Consciousness with the wisdom of the Star Mothers:


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