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Virgo New Moon

Virgo New Moon


As the Moon gently makes her way into the darkness allow yourself to be in sacred space honouring your sacred temple and the sacredness of Mother Earth grounding your energies into her revitalising energy preparing for your journey inward as you embrace the ending cycle through the death and rebirth process, shedding and releasing from your sacred temple taking care of any toxicity and unhealthy emotional bonds with respect for healthy improvements sharing your heart and empathy as you appreciate your brilliance shining with your intellectual insights in conversations, use your words with inspiration and vivid imagery with a mindful awareness of over the top forceful interactions addressing any childhood wounds you may still be holding within, healing and mending any traumas and triggers from the past with non-violence honouring the gifts through the lessons reconciling with any areas of weakness of addictive behaviours and deep intense power struggles and unlocking any skeletons locked away in the closet identifying obsessiveness and the need for control for challenges take a turn on your relationships with your finances and earthly possessions allowing a slower approach to rethink the traditional ways and limited predictability adapting to changes with a steady process in mind.


With respect for your focus on service to others be mindful and respectful of yourself honouring your sacred divine feminine temple with healthy boundaries finding the balance as to not be a servant digesting any worries with mindfulness and healthy choices calming your nerves and any need for perfectionism, dedicating healthy practices for your well-being allow time and space for reviewing any details on the things that may need improving, rediscovering your inner fire and passions for your purpose and expressing your individuality as a natural leader rejecting the need for the approval of others with trust in yourself, taking care of any competitiveness and being hypercritical of yourself and of others as opposing forces call for balancing the karmic lessons of your soul searching with spiritual discipline grounding and honouring your sacred divine feminine temple in service to the divine as challenges encourage the wisdom of doubt with motivation to deepen your spiritual journey committing to the many blessings of the universe recognising the multiple perspectives of higher truths and delving into enlightening intellectual questions that inform your soul’s growth with positivity and a kind loving heart pursuing your goals with determination and an energetic vibe organising your thoughts with your focused inspirations shining through keeping a check on arrogance and discrimination.


Find the silver lining in delving into the depths of your deepest darkest shadows of time old restrictive patriarchal confines and breaking down the old guard on any unworthiness and unhealthy relationships with your material security respecting Mother Earth and your sacredness balancing the emotional and psychological stumbling blocks with your mental and physical wellness reclaiming a healthy connection to the love of the universe opening to your intuitive knowing reconciling with any self-destructive patterns revealing your personal power in the embrace of vulnerability and self-acceptance, honour your inner strength allowing any heated challenges to influence your communication and intellectual versatility taking care of harmful words and scattered energy as you honour your sacred feminine innate primal instincts and inner desires balancing the needs for harmonious and loving relationships with others, your career and service with regard for the love of interdependence and balancing the forces of your destiny and your soul’s fulfilment with a sense of purpose.


Honour your body, mind, heart, soul and spirit with the loving embrace of the Universal Life Force energy, Reiki: Online or In Person appointments here:


Delve into the flow and magic of the Moon in the Magical Creations Workshop: find out more here:


Transform and bring balance to your life with the wisdom of the “Dragons of Mu” and Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf: 


“Dear humans, dear humanity, dear Shining Star Seeds. This is your time, no matter what it looks like on the outside. Come together in unity, the unity of community. This is your time. You were born for this. Some of you are still being birthed for this. And imagine the children being born today and the world that they are coming into. Teach them kindness, compassion, courage, creativity, and they will be the parents of a different generation, just as you are, just as you will become once again.” ~ Excerpt from Star Mothers channelling through Dr Amber Mele’ha Wolf, January New Moon Portal to the Star Mothers January 14th, 2021.

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