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Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase



As we follow the moon and her phases and align with her energies we can live our lives with a sense of comfort and surety as we allow our feminine essence the gifts that come with this.

The waxing gibbous phase illuminates over half of the moon bringing the potential for our life a large amount of opportunities, and it is also a wonderful time to keep our dreams alive that we have set at new moon.

Now is the perfect time to sit with our heart and soul and go over our plans and dreams, to trust in what comes up as now we have the opportunity to make some adjustments to any of our plans and dreams.

All is working in our favour so it is best to keep the faith and let go of any fear of changes that may come our way. Life does work in mysterious ways and when we get out of our own way and relax with the process and let go of any expectations we allow for the miracles to happen.

'Love yourself, respect yourself, heal yourself and know who you are.'

Join me in our next Online Women's Circle this Full Moon in Cancer, click the button below to find out more.

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