Aries Moon
Winter Solstice brings us our inward journey in the Southern hemisphere as the incubation period of our lives have begun, it asks us to slow down and go within, into our darkness of our feminine selves whether we are male or female it doesn’t matter.
In the Northern hemisphere it is our celebration time as Summer Solstice is here to be in our bodies and to feel the love of who we are and to celebrate our lives and shine our light out into the world, time for a vacation or plan a gathering with those souls you love and cherish.
Aries moon is in the third quarter phase bringing some tricky energy that we may need to be aware of. We may be entering a crossroads in our lives to take stock of our journey so far and to re-evaluate where we have been and what choices we have made and where to from here… it’s time for balance and to trust our inner resolve for what has outworn it’s time in our lives has been dissolved on the etheric level.
The Universe may be pushing you now to get going and into something new and asking you to be the warrior in your life and to let go of old childhood wounds that may be holding you back from your authentic self and what you are here for.
Maybe there is a fear of the unknown but if you put your head down and push through with enthusiasm and motivation and know that the universe has your back knowing what is in your heart and soul is your guiding light.
Knowing we can have support on our journey and asking for help from others and our guides and angels instead of thinking ‘I have to do this on my own,’ will lift you up to keep on keeping on. As we look at our life and the direction we wish to take let’s be honest with ourselves and others and lighten up a little and enjoy some fun along the way.
Challenges of impatience and anger may present themselves if we know what it is we want and where we want to be but can’t quite see it yet, it is a sign that the egoic self is in control and maybe it is time for some inner work to release any lingering blocked shadow energy.
Are you ready to start your new journey with the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Amber Mele’ha Wolf and be the one you were waiting for? Go here to find out more
‘No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again. ~ Buddha
